Faith Lutheran Academy (FLA) is accredited by the National Lutheran Schools Accreditation. FLA provides a comprehensive academic curriculum where all students have the opportunity to be challenged and supported based on their abilities, interest, skills, and needs within a 21st-century learning environment.
Bible Study/Religion
Centered on our Savior, Jesus, students learn about the Bible and grow in their relationship with God and one another. Students actively explore the Bible through scripture, observation and discussion, application, and prayer. Every Wednesday is Chapel Day beginning at 8:30 AM in which students actively lead and participate in worship. In addition, the Academy empowers students to grow as disciples through various service projects and events serving God in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth (Acts 1:8).
Reading/Language Arts
Students learn to read, develop writing skills, spelling, vocabulary and other literacy skills through the reading of complex texts, collaborative conversations, and authentic writing experiences. Combining research-based instructional strategies with digital tools, students read informational text, multiple texts on a topic to compare and contrast information, reread texts to interpret meaning, and focus on writing information/explanatory pieces along with narrative texts based upon sources and evidence.
Students are encouraged to develop critical and creative thinking skills through innovative instruction. Students learn problem-solving strategies through concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression through real-world and hands-on experiences.
Students engage in questioning, problem-solving, collaboration, and hands-on activities through STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) focused lessons in a student-centered learning environment. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are integrated through each unit, providing a solid foundation in life, earth/space, and physical science.
Social Studies
Social Studies instruction encompasses the core disciplines from social science: history, civics, economics, and geography. Students engage in research, debate, discussion, projects, and other activities to help them develop decision-making and problem-solving strategies and skills.
Physical Education
Physical Education K-2: The Physical Education program offers lower-elementary age children the opportunity to learn basic large motor skills while enhancing physical fitness and instilling a love for physical activity. Age-appropriate activities are done in a positive environment that allows for maximum participation by all students. Students not only learn and improve their physical development but also their social development such as teamwork and sportsmanship.
Physical Education 3-5: The Physical Education program offers upper-elementary age children the opportunity to practice and master previously-learned skills while enhancing physical fitness and instilling a love for physical activity. Activities allow for maximum participation by all students with a focus on movement that incorporates physical fitness components. Students learn the skills needed to participate in a variety of sport, dance, and fitness activities, and are engaged in a multitude of movement that encourages teamwork, cooperation, sportsmanship, and leadership that contributes to their overall physical and social development.
Faith Lutheran Academy utilizes elements of the Sonrisas Spanish curriculum. In addition to basic Spanish vocabulary, students explore Spanish and Latin American culture, food, holidays and customs. Each unit explores the cultural elements of Spanish-speaking countries as well as a language objective (colors, greetings, clothing, family, etc.). The main goal is that each student finds appreciation for the Spanish language and an understanding of the variety of cultures in Spain and Latin America.
Art K-2: Students experiment with art materials and processes as they develop fine motor and creative thinking skills through visual arts instruction. Our standards-based art program encourages students to joyfully express themselves through a variety of media and materials. Students make connections between the visual arts, their own lives, and their Christian faith. They begin to describe, interpret, evaluate, and respond to their own art and great art from history. Every student has the opportunity to have his artwork displayed around the school, in our digital gallery on Artsonia.com, and to participate in the annual Lutheran Fine Arts Festival.
Art 3-5: Students continue to work with a wide array of art materials as they refine their art and problem-solving skills through visual arts instruction. Our standards-based art program encourages students to explore and investigate content in art. Students are encouraged to select and use personally meaningful subject matter, symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning and express their faith. They continue to learn about great art from specific times periods or cultures. Every student has the opportunity to have his artwork displayed around the school, in our digital gallery on Artsonia.com, and to participate in the annual Lutheran Fine Arts Festival.
At Faith Lutheran Academy, we seek first to praise the Lord’s name. We consider musical performance to be an important element of our school, and we develop children to be active participants in our special worship services and annual musical (4th and 5th grade only)
Music K-2: Students are taught reading readiness, singing on pitch, notation skills, listening skills, and rhythm and movement. These are all designed to get our kids ready to play instruments, sing, and develop skills for the next level. We use a variety of technology and games to assist our students in acquiring the National Standards of Music.
Music 3-5: Students are taught vocal production, notation, music history, ear-training, beginning composition, Recorder, and handbells. Each unit is designed with the National Standards of Music at the forefront. In grades 4 and 5, we offer a choir and a handbell choir. In 5th grade we also offer percussion. The FLA Choir and Bell Choir get students involved in music performance at a higher level. We have our own performance schedule and perform for the Fine Arts programs at Faith Lutheran Middle School/High School.
Library teaches literacy concepts based on an Elementary Librarian curriculum and technology concepts based onLearning.com. During library time, students have an opportunity to check out countless hard copy books for all grade levels and electronic books for upper-grade students throughout the school year. For primary grades, we focus on literacy concepts and fostering a love of reading. For upper-grade students, we focus on how to be information literate, including how to find and process information, while nurturing a lifelong love of reading.